
This is about doing a commentary or critique on a certain news, mostly the current events and issues. It will also include the insights, opinions and suggestions of the blogger. In this blog, a certain news will be put on fire and "cooked". Every detail will be examined by keen eyes.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Warning the people

In this contemporary world, lots of news exist. However, not all these news are given importance in print and broadcast media. Like for example, news about environmental issues.
Environmental journalism are not given value as much as in politics, entertainment and current events. They are not given value in the sense that we rarely see news about environment on front page of a newspaper or in the headline of a broadcast news. We only see them in media when they are about disasters or calamities.
Another problem that I see in evironmental journalism is the way environmental issues are being reported. The problem in the reportage of these kinds of issues is that there is something lacking. Reports about a certain incident are not merely focused on the incident itself. Rather, they are focused on the victims. What I see in these kinds of news are sensationalism and exaggeration. I suggest that reporters should balance what they write. And they should not only report on what is obvious. What I mean here is that they should not only report what has happened and what is happening. They should also report on what will happen, this I think is the most important aspect in Environmental journalism. The environmental journalists should educate the people about a certain disaster or calamity. They should inform what the people need to know not what they want to know. They should give warning to the people.
Like for example, during these days, Philippines have been experiencing the "anger" of Mother Nature like erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, flashfloods etc. These things are reported in newspapers, radio and television. But the question is, Do reporters give information on the effects of these phenomena?... Are they warning the people?...Or are they just there to report on the obvious?


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